Restaurant Hokusai
A vibrant American town's beloved restaurant, specializing in Japanese cuisine.
A taste of Japan inside old-time America
Japanese art and architecture became popular in the late 19th century and it was not long before traditional Japanese flavors became popular too, even here in World Bazaar. Named for the famous artist, Hokusai Katsushika, whose Japanese ukiyo-e prints influenced artists in faraway Europe, Restaurant Hokusai offers the flavors of Japan.
Advance booking of Priority Seating (for dining with a minimal wait) is recommended.
・Advance bookings can be made online from 10:00 a.m. (JST) one month before to 8:59 p.m. (JST) the day before you wish to dine.
・Online bookings on day of visit accepted starting from 9:00 a.m. (JST) .
Priority Seating bookings for the day of visit are accepted at the restaurant from 10:00 a.m. as long as seats are available.
Area | World Bazaar |
Service style | Table service. Orders taken after you are seated at a table. |
Dining Capacity | About 260 seats |
Type | Special Dietary Menus available, Alcoholic beverage, Children's menus available |
- 営業時間はパークの運営時間によって異なります。
- 天候、季節、時間帯によりクローズすることがあります。
- Restaurant hours may differ from Park operating hours.
- May close depending on the weather, season or time period.
- 營業時間將依園區營運時間而有所不同。
- 本設施有可能依天候、季節、時段而暫停營業。
- 营业时间将根据园区运营时间有所调整。
- 由于天气、季节或时段原因,本设施可能会暂停营业。
- 레스토랑 영업시간은 파크 운영시간에 따라 다릅니다.
- 날씨, 계절, 시간대에 따라 영업을 종료하는 경우가 있습니다.