Requests when entering the Parks
For Everyone's Safety and Enjoyment
Tokyo Disney Resort takes a comprehensive approach to security that includes some measures that are visible and others that are not.
For everyone’s safety and enjoyment, we ask for your understanding and cooperation.
Requests for guests to cooperate with a security check
A security check is carried out at all the entrance areas of Tokyo Disneyland and Tokyo DisneySea.
Please allow sufficient time for the security check and plan your visit accordingly.
- We reserve the right to deny admission to any person who interferes with or refuses the security check.
- We may provide information obtained from the inspection to the appropriate authorities upon request.

Step1 ポケットの中のものは、すべてカバンに入れてください。
1. Place all items from your pockets into your bag.
Electronic devices such as mobile phones, coins or other metallic items will be detected at the checkpoint. Please place these items in your bag.
步驟 1 請將口袋內的所有物品取出,並放入隨身行李中。
Step1 주머니 안에 있는 물건은 모두 가방에 넣어 주십시오.
휴대전화, 스마트폰 등의 전자기기, 동전 등을 소지하신 채로 검사를 받으시면 해당품은 위험물로 판단됩니다. 미리 가방에 넣어 주십시오.

Step2 キャストの指示に従って、ひとりずつ保安検査機の間を通過してください。
2. Follow the instructions of the Cast Member, and proceed to the security gate one at a time.
The Cast Member will give instructions individually, so please proceed to the checkpoint as requested. Guests using medical devices are requested to contact the Cast Member if they have concerns about the security gates.
步驟 2 請依演藝人員(服務人員)的指示,獨自通過安全掃描儀。
步骤2 :请按照演艺人员(服务人员)的指示,逐一通过安全检查机。
Step2 디즈니 도우미의 지시에 따라 한 명씩 보안 검사기 사이를 통과해 주십시오.
디즈니 도우미가 순서대로 안내하오니 지정된 위치까지 이동해 주십시오. 페이스메이커 등의 의료기구를 사용하시는 분 중에서 보안 검사기 검사가 걱정되시는 분은 디즈니 도우미에게 말씀해 주십시오.

Step3 必要に応じて、キャストによる手荷物検査を実施します。
- 手荷物検査は、ベビーカーに置いている荷物やお子様の荷物など、すべてのものが対象です。
- 保安検査を受ける場所はキャストの案内に従ってください。
- プライバシーに関して不安のある方は、キャストにご相談ください。
- 車イスをご利用の方、ペースメーカー等の医療器具を使用している方で、金属探知ゲートによる検査を受けることに不安のある方は、キャストにご相談ください。
3. The Cast Member will conduct the security check as appropriate. Hand over all personal belongings to a Cast Member, and walk through the metal detector gate.
- All items including those placed in a stroller or carried by your child are subject to inspection.
- Please follow the instructions of the Cast Member during the security check.
- Please contact the Cast Member if you have privacy related concerns.
- Guests using wheelchairs or medical devices are requested to contact the Cast Member if they have concerns about the metal detection gates.
步驟 3 演藝人員(服務人員)有可能須查驗隨身行李。
- 置放於嬰兒車的物品、同行孩童的物品等,皆須接受檢查。
- 請依演藝人員(服務人員)的指示,移動至安全檢查的地點。
- 若您有任何關於隱私權的疑慮,請告知演藝人員(服務人員)。
- 須乘坐輪椅的遊客、使用心臟起搏器等醫療器材的遊客,若您對金屬探測感到不安,請告知演藝人員(服務人員)。
步骤3 :必要时演艺人员(服务人员)将对您的随身行李进行检查。
- 随身行李必须接受安全检查,包括放置于婴儿车里的行李及儿童的行李等所有物品。
- 请遵循演艺人员(服务人员)的指引,前往指定的安全检查地点。
- 担心涉及个人隐私的游客请咨询演艺人员(服务人员)。
- 乘坐轮椅的游客、使用心脏起搏器等医疗设备的游客,若您担心金属安检门会对自身造成不便或影响,请咨询演艺人员(服务人员)。
Step3 필요에 따라 디즈니 도우미가 수하물 검사를 실시합니다.
모든 짐을 개봉한 상태로 디즈니 도우미에게 건네시고 금속 탐지 게이트를 천천히 통과해 주십시오.
- 수하물 검사는 유모차에 둔 짐이나 어린이의 짐 등 모든 것을 대상으로 합니다.
- 디즈니 도우미의 안내에 따라 보안 검사를 받는 장소로 가십시오.
- 프라이버시 관련하여 걱정되시는 점이 있으신 분은 디즈니 도우미에게 말씀해 주십시오.
- 휠체어를 이용하시는 분, 페이스메이커 등의 의료기구를 사용하시는 분 중에서 금속 탐지 게이트 검사가 걱정되시는 분은 디즈니 도우미에게 말씀해 주십시오.
Prohibited Items
Dangerous items (including imitations), and other items that may harm other guests, are not allowed in the Park.
- Dangerous items (including imitation items)
- Drones and other remote-controlled electronic devices (excluding those sold at the Parks)
- Alcoholic beverages
- Food you have brought with you, cans, glass containers (excluding those for the purpose of special dietary requirements)
- Suitcases or wheeled carriers
- Pets and animals (other than assistance dogs)
- Any other items that may impede the operation of the Park or any associated facility, or inconvenience other guests
- Knives and blades
- Guns, including replicas and air guns
- Pepper spray
- Stun guns
- Flammable liquids
- Explosives
- High-pressure gas
- Toxic substances
- Flammable materials
- Radioactive materials
- Other hazardous materials
- Explosive materials and materials that give off toxic fumes when burned
For everyone's safety and enjoyment
- Please refrain from using plastic sheets or other belongings to save your place, when waiting to enter the Park.
Note that we may move any belongings that are left unattended for a long time. - In consideration of other guests, please refrain from joining members of your party who are waiting in line to enter the Park.
We request that all members of your party wait in line together when entering the Park. - Please refrain from waiting to enter the Parks during times when it may inconvenience the residents of the nearby neighborhood.
- Please scan the tickets for all members of your party if you are entering the Park together at the same time.
You will not be able to scan the tickets for a member of your party who will not be entering the Park with you. A member of your party who is not at the Park entrance with you may be requested to wait at the end of the line for admission.
Regarding Attire for Entering the Parks
Regarding attire (including footwear), guests who correspond to the following may not be able to enter the Park or be requested to leave the Park:
- Wearing items that may disturb or inconvenience other guests.
- Wearing items that cover the face entirely or significantly (but excluding those required for medical purposes).
- Wearing long items that come in contact with the ground.
- Having tattoos with words or designs considered inappropriate.
- Dressed in a way that can be mistaken as a Disney Character, the performer or a Cast Member.
- Wearing items which can be used as commercial purposes.
- Ages 12 and over dressed in full character costume.
Please contact a Cast Member if you have any questions.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.