Celebrate a Special Day
Choose a Disney Hotel:
Celebrate at a Restaurant

Fantasy Springs Restaurant offers guests who order the buffet menu with the option of adding a celebrative plan that comes with an special cake and commemorative items.
And during the Fantastic Celebration Time held at the restaurant, the Cast Members will celebrate your special occasion in grand style.
Enjoy a festive celebration that will create lasting memories!
當店內的 Fantasitc Celebration 時段來臨,演藝人員還會一起為您盛大慶祝。
在店内进行的Fantastic Celebration环节中,将由演艺人员为游客的纪念日送上盛大祝福。
‘판타지 스프링스 레스토랑’에서는 뷔페 메뉴를 이용하시는 분들을 대상으로 스페셜 케이크와 스페셜 상품이 세트로 구성된 축하 플랜을 준비했습니다.
레스토랑 안에서 실시되는 판타스틱 셀러브레이션 타임에는 디즈니 도우미가 여러분의 기념일을 성대하게 축하해 드립니다.
추억으로 남을 신나는 축하 타임을 기대해 주세요!
Gifts to Celebrate a Special Day

They would make the perfect items to remember your stay or to give as a gift to someone special.
숙박 기념 및 소중한 분들을 위한 선물로 추천해 드립니다.

- ご購入はご宿泊されているホテルの商品に限ります。
The Disney Hotels offer original items that are only available for purchase by Guests staying at that hotel. These items make great mementos of your stay at a Disney Hotel in Tokyo Disney Resort. They also make perfect gifts for celebrating birthdays or commemorative events.
- Availability is limited to items offered by the hotel where you are staying.
- 各飯店僅開放住宿遊客購買紀念商品。
- 游客仅可购买住宿饭店的纪念商品。
디즈니호텔에서는 숙박 게스트 여러분께서만 구매할 수 있는 오리지널 상품을 판매합니다. 도쿄디즈니리조트에서의 추억 또는, 디즈니호텔에서의 숙박 기념으로 어떠신가요? 생일이나 기념일 선물로도 좋습니다.
- 숙박하시는 호텔의 상품만 구매하실 수 있습니다.

- 現在、グランドシャトー・ラウンジは電話が繋がりにくくなっており、ご迷惑をおかけしております。
- ご滞在中の客室内でお召し上がりいただくテイクアウトのケーキです。
- ケーキの受取場所は、ファンタジースプリングス・レストラン(1F)となります。(受取時間 18:00~22:00)
- 数量限定のメニューです。
Original Cake
This cake is for takeout that can only be ordered by guests staying at this hotel. Enjoy it to celebrate birthdays and other special occasions!
Diameter: 15 cm
How to order:
Please call the hotel at least three days in advance.
Tokyo DisneySea Fantasy Springs Hotel: 047-305-8888
- Guests may have difficulty getting connected to the Grand Chateau Lounge. We apologize for the inconvenience this may be causing you.
If you have questions, please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page.
If you already have a reservation and have a question or a request, please see the questionnaire email that you received from the Grand Chateau Lounge after your reservation was made. The timing when you can expect to receive this email will depend on the reservation situation.
- This cake is for takeout to be enjoyed in the guest room during your stay.
- The cake will be available for pickup at the Fantasy Springs Restaurant (1F).(Pick up time 6:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.)
- Available only in limited quantity.