Celebrate a Special Day
Due to the temporary closure of the hotel, there will be changes to some hotel operations for April 22 and 23, 2025. For more details, please see here.
為了配合暫停營業,飯店於 2025 年 4 月 22 日及 4 月 23 日提供的服務內容將有所變更。請由此瞭解詳情。(英文)
호텔 휴관에 따라 2025년 4월 22일 및 4월 23일의 운영 내용이 일부 변경됩니다. 자세한 사항은 여기를 확인해 주십시오. (영어)
Choose a Disney Hotel:
Celebrate at a Restaurant

Guests who order the buffet at Sherwood Garden Restaurant can choose an optional plan that comes with an original dessert and the original charm to help celebrate their special day. Enjoy a festive feast as you dine on the rich variety of dishes provided in the buffet.

The Essence of Stylish Cuisine: Canna offers the “Stylish Anniversary Plan” featuring a special course that comes with champagne and a photo frame. The meal ends with a delightful special dessert that brings together a variety of different flavors. Enjoy a wonderful moment with your loved ones.
Gifts to Celebrate a Special Day

The Disney Hotels offer original items that are only available for purchase by Guests staying at that hotel. These items make great mementos of your stay at a Disney Hotel in Tokyo Disney Resort. They also make perfect gifts for celebrating birthdays or commemorative events.
- Availability is limited to items offered by the hotel where you are staying.

- 3才〜小学6年生までのお子さまが対象です。
Shimmering dresses, elegantly coiffed hair, lovely makeup…Children often dream of becoming a “Disney Princess.” This dream comes true at the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique, a beauty salon where little children are transformed into a Disney princess! Make this princess dream come true on a birthday, or for commemorative events such as graduations. And after the transformation, enjoy the Parks dressed as a princess, or have a splendid time dining at a hotel restaurant.
- For children ages 3 to 11.
- 本設施的服務對象為 3 歲至 11 歲的小女孩。
- 本设施的服务对象为3周岁至11周岁的儿童
반짝반짝 빛나는 드레스에 우아한 헤어 스타일과 청초한 메이크업까지, 그런 디즈니 프린세스가 되고 싶어! ‘비비디 바비디 부티크’는 프린세스를 동경하는 어린이 여러분의 소원을 이루어주는 뷰티 살롱입니다. 생일이나 졸업 등 기념일의 추억으로 꿈꾸던 프린세스로 변신해 보는 건 어떠신가요? 변신 후에는 프린세스 모습으로 파크를 즐기거나 호텔 레스토랑에서 우아한 시간을 보내는 것도 추천합니다.
- 만 3세부터 만 11세 이하의 어린이가 이용하실 수 있습니다.