Superior Accessible Room
In addition to two regular beds, this room has a trundle bed and a pulldown bed to accommodate up to four Guests. This room is designed to provide improved accessibility and comfort for Guests using wheelchair.
- The room is designed mainly for guests in wheelchair.
- Actual layout may differ from the image shown. For details, please contact the hotel directly.
Guest Room Specifications
Entrance door | Effective width: 83cm |
Bedroom entrance | Width of bedroom entrance: 140cm |
Bedroom | Height of bed: 45cm Distance between beds: 50cm |
Bathroom | Handrails on wall above the bathtub (3 locations), handrails on the wall above shower floor (2 locations) |
Bathtub | Depth: 50cm (height from floor to top of bathtub: 44cm) Shower button in the bathtub: 75cm from floor Shower button in the showering area: 70cm from floor - Bath mats, bathing boards, and shower benches are available for rental. |
Toilet | Height from floor: 42cm Toilet handrail (on both sides when sitting) - There is a sliding door between the toilet and bathroom of 79 cm width |
Washroom | Effective width of entrance: 92cm, sliding door |
Washstand | Height of counter: 79cm Opening below counter: 68cm |
Other | Hook height: 120cm |
- All guest rooms are non-smoking.
- All photos are concept images.
- All photos are concept images.
Superior Accessible Room
- Capacity:
- 4 persons
- Bed type:
- Twin
- Room area:
- 55 m²
Amenities / Facilities
Amenities |
Facilities |
Amenities for children |
<Available in the room>
<Available on request>
<Available by reservation>
Internet |
- お子さま用パジャマは下記のサイズがございます。
Sサイズ(身長100cm以下)、Mサイズ(身長100~120cm)、Lサイズ(身長120~140cm) - お子さま用パジャマ・お子さま用アメニティーは、ゲストサービスカウンターにご用意しております。ご希望の際は、キャストへお申しつけください。
- 大人用パジャマはセパレートタイプです。
- 無料のコーヒー、お茶は客室タイプによって提供数がことなります。
- おねしょパッド、子ども用補助便座は、当日ゲストサービスカウンターにて貸し出しいたします。
- ウォーターサーバー、アイスディスペンサーは各階にあります。
- Children’s pajamas are available in the following sizes:
S (under 100 cm in height), M (100 cm – 120 cm), L (120 cm – 140 cm) - Children’s pajamas and amenities are available from the Guest Service Counter. Please inform a Cast Member if you wish to use them.
- Adult pajamas come as a shirt and trouser set.
- The amount of complimentary coffee, tea available in your room will depend on your guest room type.
- A water server and an ice dispenser can be found on each floor.
- 兒童睡衣尺寸如下:
S 號(適合身高未滿 100 cm 的兒童)、M 號(適合身高 100~120 cm 的兒童)、L 號(適合身高 120~140 cm 的兒童) - 遊客服務櫃檯提供兒童睡衣、兒童客房用品。如有需要,請洽演藝人員。
- 成人睡衣為兩件式。
- 咖啡包、茶包組的免費提供數量依房型而有所不同。
- 各樓層皆設有飲水機、製冰機。
- 儿童睡衣尺码如下:
S码(身高不到100 cm)、M码(身高100~120 cm)、L码(身高120~140 cm) - 游客服务柜台提供儿童睡衣和儿童用品。如有需要,请告知演艺人员。
- 成人睡衣为上下两件式。
- 免费咖啡、茶包的提供数量因客房类型而异。
- 各楼层均设有饮水机和制冰机。
- 어린이용 잠옷은 아래의 사이즈가 준비되어 있습니다.
S사이즈(신장 100cm 이하), M사이즈(신장100~120cm), L사이즈(신장120~140cm) - 어린이용 잠옷과 어메니티는 게스트 서비스 카운터에 준비되어 있습니다. 필요하시면 디즈니 도우미에게 요청해 주십시오.
- 어른용 잠옷은 상하 분리 타입입니다.
- 무료 커피, 차 는 객실 타입에따라 제공 수량이 다릅니다.
- 정수기, 아이스 디스펜서는 각 층에 있습니다.