안내 사항


디즈니호텔 선택:

  • ■Temporary closure of Wish: Wish Snacks & Sundries and Discover: Discover Snacks & Sundries due to refurbishment

    The stores will be temporarily closed during the following periods due to interior refurbishment.Please note that the stores will operate as usual on Saturdays and Sundays during these periods.
    Also, please be aware that there may be noise and vibrations from the construction and odor from the paint work.We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your cooperation and kind understanding.
    - Refurbishment periods and details may change without prior notice.

    ・Discover :May 12 to May 23, 2025
    - The store will be open on May 17 and May 18, 2025.
    ・Wish :May 26 to June 6, 2025
    - The store will be open on May 31 and June 1, 2025.

    2024.11.27 정보

  • ■Temporary closure on January 14 and 20, 2025 for electrical equipment inspections

    Tokyo Disney Celebration Hotel will be closed on the following days due to an inspection of the electrical equipment. We apologize for this inconvenience and we ask for your understanding and cooperation.
    On the days indicated below, all areas of the hotel will be closed from 12:00 noon until the end of that day.
    The hotel will resume normal operations from 6:00 a.m. on the following day.

    ・Tokyo Disney Celebration Hotel:Wish Jan 14, 2025 (Tuesday)
    ・Tokyo Disney Celebration Hotel:Discover Jan 20, 2025 (Monday)

    2024.7.29 정보

  • ■From January 9 to July 16, 2025, at Tokyo Disney Celebration Hotel: Discover, bathrooms and washstands will undergo refurbishment.

    During this period, there may be noise disturbances due to the refurbishment, and construction personnel will be present onsite.
    We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your cooperation and kind understanding.

    - Refurbishment period may change without prior notice.

    2024.7.26 정보

  • ■ Requests during your stay

    When wearing costume, please refrain from the following:
    - Actions that would be considered unpleasant or cause concern to other guests.
    - Actions that would be considered unpleasant or cause concern to other guests.
    - Actions that would impede the other guests.
    - Costumes that may be offensive to public order and morals.
    - Changing attire in the toilets.
    - Wearing wedding dresses, tuxedos, or other attire that evoke weddings.

    2021.10.4 정보